The OMC (registered in early 2015) has been formalised based on international best practice and is representative of key OOH media owners.
We are committed to produce an out of home currency which will contribute to building the credibility and stature of the Out of Home (OOH) industry .
The OMC’s vision is to produce consolidated, inclusive and representative research covering the key OOH areas.
The innovative methodology includes the combination of traffic flows, satellite images, and travel patterns to create a comprehensive traffic model, which when combined with the location of all media owner billboard panels, creates an accurate representation of OOH audiences.
These elements are modelled to create OOH ratings demonstrating reach, frequency, GRP’s, impacts, CPM and so on for Out of Home campaigns or single billboards. Elements such as direction of traffic flow and visibility are taken into account as part of the model.


TECHNICal oversight